Tuesday, September 3, 2024

fall 2024 09.03.2024

  As a student pursuing a STEM degree, I am still incredibly ambitious and hard working. I am still pursuing this field of interest because I know that I have the qualities and talents necessary to succeed in it. I see myself belonging in the field because this is a field that requires hard working people with a variety of different talents, which is what I bring to the table. My sense of STEM identity has improved since last fall mainly due to the network+ certification I earned. My fears have not changed. One of the steps that I have taken to ensure a fulfilling life as a person is beginning to go to the gym to have a good work-life balance.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

You can do it

 Experiential learning is an important part in preparing to enter the workforce because it allows you to think a bit more of what you will actually be doing once you land a job. For instance, you may be learning programming and that's all you study for now, thats great but at the job you will need more skills. You need to learn how to communicate effectively with your coworkers and managers, how to work in a team, how to teach others, and more. A experiantal learning experience allows you to enter this world briefly to get used to these skills that you will need once you land a job. Some good places to look for internship is to check out the global tech virtual internships, and indeed. These resources will allow you to match with a company that is looking for someone that matches your skills. I have secured an internship thorugh global tech virtual internships, the intership was pretty simple and I got onboard right away without further interviews. I am barely going to begin this internship, it begans in a few weeks and I am very excited to join a team of talented invidiuals just like me. Places to find these experiences also include your campus, see if one of your professors is willing to take you as their assistant in a project or research, it's worth the try and it's a good addition to your resume. I almost forgot check out https://etap.nsf.gov/ this website has internships for all of us, they run thorugh the summer and offer 5 thousand dollars for completing the internship. This is a great way to improve your resume and also earn some money while doing it.

Friday, August 25, 2023

My professional identity

As a STEM student I am currently a very ambitious and hard working individual. I am a forward looking person who is currently working part time as a network engineer intern to gain as much knowledge and experience as possible. I am persuing the field of IT because I can use my intelligence to help others and help this world become more connected. I feel like I belong in this field because its filled with intelligent and hard working individuals like myself. One of my fears in my persuit of my STEM degree is the person I will become once I achieve becoming a senior network engineer. One of the steps I am taking to ensure that I have a fulfilling life as a person in STEM is to keep my friendships and other relationships strong, by constantly communicating and enjoy the time with my friends whenever I have the chance.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Switching 2

This week I am working mostly on my labs and reading, I have helped miguel in the lab whenever I can, and I know he appreciates it. Luisa hasn't come by, I know she wanted to work on Chapter 5 labs, as they are gonna be due, I will most likely work on them at home. This semester is mine  #stemTHEWEEKSMCCTHEYEAR


I am currently reading Chapter 4 of our Cisco Switching book in preparation for the exam and quiz. I am confident I can certify as a CCNP in the next couple of months, its just a matter of dedication. I will continue to read, and work on my labs so I keep learning, and improving my skills more everyday. #stemTHEWEEKSMCCTHEYEAR 


As the cisco news evolved, we got more information into how the new certifications are going to be broken down. This is particularly important for nikesh, me and any other person studying cisco as there are big changes happening in 2020. One of these changes is that we have the possibility of testing for CNNP without being CCNA certified first. I will take this change into my advantage by studying for CCNP, and taking the test in the summer. #stemTHEWEEKSMCCTHEYEAR 


This week was an interesting week as we had cisco news. I excelled in my exams, and labs are going good. I feel excited about what cisco is going to bring